How much I missed way back when in Kuala Lumpur. Here in Bintulu, don't have a lot of friends, and the few I do have I share almost nothing in common with; when we hang out, I can never relate to what they are saying, nor they to what I say. I have no one to "hang out" with. In fact I do nothing but sit around the house all day doing the occasional watching TV and sleeping all day during my weekend. I used to play PS2 and Stronghold Crusader for most of my free time but it's lost my interest recently, and I have little else that makes me happy.
I've also felt myself becoming bitter. I'm a lot harsher on people now than I used to be, or at least I'm motivated to act that way for some reason.
However, I feel that life is here to give me stress, annoyance, boredom, solitude, and work before finally killing me off. I see it as schooling > work > pay the bills > work > pay the bills, and so on. That is not worth living for.
This time next year I will be in a much better place. The journey shall begin and I intend to use this blog to record it and to inspire myself whenever i'm feeling low!!
Is there something other people see in life that I don't?Al Vida and Enjoy your life...